Influenza is one of the most common viruses to affect people across the world every year and often leaves people feeling weak, tired and drained of energy. Getting the flu can have a massive impact on your ability to carry out the most basic of tasks, and this can be a cause of stress to many people who have busy lives and a lot of responsibilities to undertake. While there is no cure for the flu, the symptoms tend to only last around a week, and luckily there are things which you can do to enable you to recover as quickly and easily as possible, such as these three simple tips.
Take the time to rest
If you try and push yourself too hard while you are recovering from the flu, you could end up prolonging your illness. Rest and sleep are two of the most important things for maintaining enough energy to fight off a virus, so you need to be mindful of your body and its needs. While it may seem like you’re adding to your stress by staying home for a few days, it could save you some sick days in the long run.
Keep your body hydrated & Eat well
A high fever is often accompanied by sweating, which means that your body becomes more quickly dehydrated than usual. You may also find that you go to the bathroom more while you are unwell, which dehydrates you further. Therefore, it is crucial that you stay on top of replenishing lost fluidsregularly throughout the day so that your body can continue to function well enough to fight off the virus. Drink plenty of water and other fluids like herbal tea or hot lemon and honey. Alternatively, you could try the flu recovery IV supplements from which will help to keep you hydrated, while giving you a boost of all of the necessary nutrients to fight off an illness.
When you’re unwell, sometimes all you want to do is survive off of ice-cream and junk food, as these high-energy substances can give you much-needed boosts to your sugar levels which make you feel better temporarily. However, in the long run, this will make you feel worse rather than better, so it is essential that you commit yourself to eat as healthily as you can. Try to consume nutrient-rich foods which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, and eat a balanced diet which will give you equalized amounts of protein for cell recovery and carbohydrates for restored energy.
Utilize a vaporizer
When you are ill, dry air can make you feel worse, especially if you are congested. Adding moisture to the air using a vaporizer can help to loosen up congestion and ease your breathing. There are lots of different types of vaporizers which you can get at a range of prices, so find whichever one works best for you. You can also try using a few drops of essential oils in your steam which may aid your recovery, such as lemon or peppermint.
Brought to you by our friend, Carol.