The decision to reduce PeKu to only one active publication was made purely due to business sense. Implementing that decision was difficult. I had to let go of team members who’d been with me for years, minimize my startup that felt like a child of mine, and recognize that PeKu was no longer the sizable publishing company that it used to be.
With only Think Tasty left, I began focusing my energies on making it the best food blog I could. In that process, I have been surprised as to how much I enjoy this new role. It’s not that I thought I wouldn’t enjoy working on Think Tasty, it was that I feared the sadness of reducing PeKu would diminish my joy.
What I didn’t consider was that I spend many hours every day thinking about food. I guess I always have, but now it’s essential not only to my daydreaming but also to my work. I work in my kitchen for numerous hours every week, creating recipes, refining each, and sampling them. I read numerous food articles; I review restaurant menus; I devour interesting recipes all in hopes of finding a glimmer of inspiration.
As much as it pained me to shutter a great portion of PeKu, I also am loving this new role as chief foodie at Think Tasty. I am learning to be the voice of that publication, more than I ever have before. Although I hesitate to call myself a food authority, as I lack formal training, I do know that I work well in a kitchen. I just need to be a little more assured and proclaim it a bit more loudly.
So, I will continue to focus on food: thinking, cooking, writing, and promoting the very best that I can.