My home contains a blended family, our own little version of the Brady Bunch. I have two children, and my husband has two children, which makes us a family of six. As there are other sets of parents and our oldest is in college, most of the time we have only one teen in the family nest. So, every night as I walk the stairs to our bedroom, my mind, on some subconscious level, checks the box that she is home and in bed.
I describe it as being at a subconscious level because I truly am not thinking about whether or not she’s bed; I’m usually thinking about the next day’s schedule or whether the dishwasher needed to be run. The reason that I’m aware of this checking is that when she isn’t home and in bed, I have this moment of something’s wrong. If she’s spending the night at a friend’s, I have this quick moment of thinking about where she is and know everything is fine.
You might be wondering what does this odd/interesting evening ritual have to do with PeKu? The connection is that I had a similar occurrence this morning. As I was thinking about the new features for PeKu this month, I realized that there aren’t any. My mind thought, That can’t possibly be.
So, I looked at all of May’s projects and the June calendar. Yes, we did work on new things over the past 31 days, but they’re all behind the scenes kind of items, and they aren’t even behind the scenes that affect our readers’ experiences. They make PeKu run better and help organize our team more efficiently.
June is starting off quietly, which isn’t a bad thing; it’s just different.
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