Editorially Yours


Michele Pesula Kuegler is the founder of PeKu Publications and chief foodie at Think Tasty. She runs this one-woman show focusing on creating new recipes to delight her family, friends, and herself.

August 2015 Highlights

by Michele Pesula Kuegler on August 3rd, 2015

EY_August-Highlights_2015We may be entering the dog days of summer, but there’s no slacking at PeKu. We have been busy updating our editorial calendar in order to provide content that is even more refined.  Refinement is something that I mention frequently in this column, which begs the question, “Why do you refine your content so often?”

Our eleven publications have one commonality- they are targeted at the female audience. Beyond that I always am seeking ways to make our publications more connected. So, each month as we work on the editorial calendar, we look for ways to create bonds between the publications. This month we created several new connections.

  • Think Tasty– Rather than highlighting an ingredient for a couple weeks, we now are aligning our recipes with the celebration of the week at Holidays Helper. Consider it two-stop planning: First, go to Holidays Helper for your party inspiration. Then, go to Think Tasty to find recipes for the big event.
  • Little Bit of Green– Each week we highlight a gardening region and what currently can be done for gardens there. To offer more ideas to our readers, we are highlighting one ornamental and one edible plant for that region. In one week you can discover a new plant you should be growing and make sure you are providing all the care your plants need.
  • Here Comes a Bride– Looking at our monthly schedule, it seemed that we needed to devote more time to accessories and beauty for the bride and her party. To do this we eliminated the bridal tips column. However, fear not! Most of those tips will now be infused within our other articles.

Yes, this August is filled with 100% original content, as always. Plus, there will be some new topics covered. Let us know if there are other topics you’d love to see. We’d be glad to consider other ideas.


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