Editorially Yours


Michele Pesula Kuegler is the founder of PeKu Publications and chief foodie at Think Tasty. She runs this one-woman show focusing on creating new recipes to delight her family, friends, and herself.

Meet the Team- Jessica B.

by Michele Pesula Kuegler on March 24th, 2014

pansiesJessica joined the PeKu writing team in November of 2011. Since that time, she has covered many topics over a number of our publications.  From technology to travel and politics to planting, she is knowledgeable about a myriad of subjects.  Her articles are a great source of both information and inspiration.  Want to take on a house project or purchase some new biking gear? Jessica’s articles will provide the data needed and have you excited to start a new project or journey.

Please allow me to introduce you to Jessica.

MPK: When you aren’t writing articles, what do you like to do with your free time?

JB: These days I don’t have that much free time, since I have two small kids and work, but when I do have a few minutes to myself I love to go for a run, read a good book, purchase some new biking gear, or go on a long hike. We also have a large dog, so thankfully I have a good excuse for going on a long hike pretty often.

MPK: Which publication is your favorite to write for?

JB: I like writing for Good Life Review because it gives me a chance to reminisce about my travels and some of the places that really had an impact on me. Also I think it is fun to inspire others to travel and try new things. But it is also a bit dangerous because I keep adding new things and places to my ‘bucket’ list!

MPK: Through your articles, it seems that you have traveled a good amount. What was the most interesting place you have visited?

JB: It is hard to pick just one, but I really loved traveling in Japan. I’ve traveled a lot in Europe and the Middle East, but Japan was my first time in Asia. I loved taking the train across the country and taking in the landscape. Also, the Japanese baths, Oansen, were really relaxing and the food was delicious. I hope to go back there sometime soon!

MPK: What is a dream destination for future travels?

JB: I would love to go to New Zealand and Australia one day, but I will have to wait until my kids are a little older since it is such a long trip. The mountains in New Zealand look like they would be amazing to hike.

MPK: You also write about gardening.  Do you do much gardening at home?  What will you be growing this year?

JB: I love gardening and being outdoors! I have two gardens, a small flower patch outside my house and a vegetable garden at a local co-op in town. The co-op garden is fun because it is social and I get a lot of gardening tips. This year I am working with my oldest to start a kid friendly veggie garden. We are planting carrots, radishes, beets, lettuce, potatoes and tomatoes. We will also plant some marigolds, which you can even eat!

MPK: What fun fact would our readers be surprised to learn about you?

JB: I have lived in 5 different countries and speak three different languages. It is sometimes a bit tricky moving to an entirely new country, but it is also a fun adventure! You learn a lot about your own culture while learning about others!


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