As of this Wednesday, Ron will have been writing for PeKu Publications for four years. Over this period of time he has covered a variety of topics. From politics to parenting, sports to cinema, and so much more, he has provided our readers with articles that are informative, persuasive, and entertaining. Whether you’re looking for a new tv show to add to your line-up or want the stats from the most recent Sprint Cup race, Ron is your go-to guy.
I am pleased to introduce you to Ron.
MPK: You write for a handful of PKP publications. Which is your favorite to write for?
RR: I enjoy writing for the various PKP publications. Some are more creative, others are more straight forward and analytical, but all are topics about which I am passionate or at least opinionated. If I had to pick one favorite it would probably be Flick Rev. I have always been something of a film buff and Flick Rev gives me both an excuse to head to the theater and an outlet for my thoughts.
MPK: When you aren’t writing articles, what do you like to do with your free time?
RR: “Free time?” What’s that like? As a data analyst by day, writer by night, sports reporter for the Ultimate Indoor Football League by later at night, and a youth football coach on weekends, free time doesn’t really enter into the equation. I pretty much funnel any extra time that may accidentally slip into my schedule into my two sons. They are my true passion in my life and the closest thing that I have to a hobby is obsessively over-parenting them. That means coaching football, volunteering at AWANA, checking homework, practicing musical instruments, rehearsing lines, etc. It’s all good.
MPK: You seem to have a great interest in sports. Do you get to watch many sporting events?
RR: I do enjoy a great many sports. NFL football is my favorite of all, but I also enjoy (in no particular order) baseball, basketball, hockey, Ninja Warrior, boxing, golf, tennis, and NASCAR. Pretty much any contest where they keep score, except soccer. I don’t get to watch all that many sporting events uninterrupted from start to finish, but I do a lot of ‘drop ins,’ checking in at key points in the game. I’ve just about mastered the art of catching the final, pivotal moments of an event. It’s not quite the same as watching the whole game but it’s the next best thing.
MPK: You also write about an assortment of television shows. Which one is your favorite? Why?
RR: The best show on TV right now has got to be The Walking Dead. There just isn’t anything else with the same overwhelming level of drama. It’s so dark and depressing, but it is also so incredibly well-written. The Walking Dead is the only show that I generally watch live each week. Everything else I DVR and watch when I can. CBS’s Elementary, a modern take on the Sherlock Holmes legend, is a new series this season that has really grabbed my attention and has quickly moved to the top of my watch list.
MPK: What fun fact would our readers be surprised to learn about you?
RR: I have written an as-of-yet (and probably forever) unpublished young adult novel casting my older son as a super-powered teen on a quest to save the world. It has proven incredibly popular with the test audience consisting of my immediate family members and their close friends but inexplicably hasn’t quite caught on to the general public just yet.